Hockey Strength Training for Raleigh Athletes

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Well-rounded hockey players are proficient in all aspects of the game. Whether it is speed, power, or conditioning, hockey players need more than just practice to become great. Off ice hockey athletic training allows hockey players to develop their speed, agility, strength, and conditioning to prepare them for game day. Strength training also prevents unnecessary injuries in addition to improving a hockey player’s performance on the ice. Couple this with our custom nutrition coaching and DiamondFit Performance in Raleigh can help you take your hockey game to the next level. If you are looking for off ice hockey training, you need to visit DiamondFit!

Located at 6241 Westgate Road Suite 100, DiamondFit Performance is the best gym for hockey strength training in the Triangle. We specialize in training each athlete for their sport by using the latest data-gathering technology. Our team of dedicated trainers are great at what they do and cannot wait to watch you grow as a hockey player. Stop by our location, call us, or fill out an online form to schedule your first strength training session today.

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strength training

Difference Between Hockey Training and Practice

While both training and practice make an athlete better at their sport, they are not the same. When a hockey player practices, they work on techniques and skills that make them play the sport better. They might work on puck control or skating techniques; however, these skills are practiced over and over until they are close to perfected. Training is different because the goal is not to perfect a specific skill. It is about conditioning the body to become stronger and have more endurance. Once a specific training goal is achieved, it is time to move onto a harder task. Conditioning makes the body better prepared for practice. Practice is only beneficial if the athlete has the proper strength, endurance, and coordination to execute the necessary skills.

Why is Off Ice Hockey Training Important?

Hockey is not a simple sport. It requires strength, balance, speed and coordination. Great hockey players are not only excellent with their stick work, but they are also amazing skaters. At DiamondFit we train our hockey athletes focusing on strength and balance, which will make them faster and more balanced skaters.

Injuries are common while playing hockey. Conditioning is important to strengthen the muscles and joints that are used the most during hockey games. Our custom strength training programs target the areas that hockey players have recurring problems with. At DiamondFit we want to see you not only become a better athlete but a healthier one as well.

speed training

Off Ice Travel Hockey Training in Raleigh

Whether you play recreational hockey at your local Ice House, or are preparing for travel hockey tryouts with the Jr. Hurricanes or Carolina Eagles, you will benefit from off ice Hockey Training in Raleigh. At DiamondFit Performance our trainers have years of experience working with and helping hockey players develop their bodies.

The foundation of our hockey strength training is rooted in core principles to our performance approach: strength, speed, nutrition and sport. The foundation of our approach starts with strength. Strength is the most important because it is the core building block to all other aspects of training. Our trainers will personalize a plan that is customized to a hockey athlete’s needs. We do not stop there, we continuously log our athlete’s progress and make sure they are growing.

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Choose DiamondFit Performance

Join the DiamondFit team located in Raleigh and start your hockey training today. We are different from other gyms because we customize our training sessions to match our athlete’s sports. Play more than one sport? No problem! We have trainers with all types of backgrounds who specialize in different sports and different training techniques. Whether you are new to hockey or have been playing for years or play other sports, don’t hesitate to become a better athlete through strength training.

Contact DiamondFit Performance

Ready to take the first step towards success? Contact us today!