Does My Child Need To Wear a Mask For Fall Sports?

Will Masks be Required For North Carolina Fall Sports?

We are all aware of the changes that are being made around the country and around the world to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. One of the most notable changes we have seen is the increased prevalence of masks when people are in public spaces. As of July, masks are required in public places in North Carolina. As North Carolina continues to gradually reopen the state, we are becoming more confident that fall sports such as soccer, football, volleyball, tennis and cross country will be played. The big question on many athlete’s and parent’s minds is “will my child be required to wear a mask for fall sports?”

Continue reading below to learn how you can find out if masks will be required for athletes this fall in North Carolina.

If you want to prepare your body to compete this fall contact DiamondFit to schedule a custom workout plan with one of our trainers. Here at DiamondFit we have trainers who specialize in preparing athletes for specific sports. If you want to prepare for sports this fall, give us a call or fill out the contact form below for more information!

Does My Child Need To Wear a Mask For Fall Sports?

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Will Masks be Required For North Carolina Fall Sports? (Updated June 15th, 2020)

Will Masks be Required For North Carolina Fall Sports?

Athletes around North Carolina have been curious about whether or not they will get to compete in the sports they love this season. If things continue trending in their current direction, 2020 fall sports will be played at all levels in North Carolina. A big question on the minds of many fall sports participants is “will I have to wear a mask for fall sports in NC?” 

At the moment procedures for the playing of fall sports in North Carolina have not been set in stone. There are currently ongoing discussions being had by decision makers across the state to determine how athletic competitions this fall should be handled by leagues in North Carolina. 

Will athletes be required to wear a mask? It will depend on decisions made by officials in the athlete’s respective league. If you are an athlete who plans on participating in fall sports, contact your coach or a league official to find out more specific information about how your league will go about competition protocols this fall. It seems unlikely that athletes will be required to wear a mask during competition but they may be asked to wear a mask during competition travel on busses or aircraft. 


Will Masks Be Required at Sporting Events in North Carolina? (Updated June 15th, 2020)


If you are a parent or fan who plans on attending sporting events this fall, you may be wondering if masks will be required at competitions. Most fall sports in North Carolina are played in open air stadiums which make social distancing a possibility. It would be easy to limit contact between fans and parents by reducing the capacity of the stadium or competition area. 

It is unclear whether or not masks will be required for fans and parents at sporting events this fall. It could depend on the county where the individual sporting event takes place. Expect some sort of modification to the traditional spectator experience this fall. Individual leagues, programs, or schools should make statements in advance that will inform fans and parents about preventative measures being taken at sporting events this fall.


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